The Daily Tip Jar

Car Rental Tips and Tricks

car rental

When planning your vacation anything that can make your life easier is a welcome relief. The last thing you want to be doing while planning your vacation is haggling around for a car rental. Here are a few ways to make car renting a breeze so you can get to your destination faster. Shop Around […]

Dream Rental Homes

vacation rental

A new modern way to enjoy all that your destination has to offer is to live like a local. Vacation rental homes have become a new way for people to enjoy their surroundings and have a true home away from home. If you’ve never rented a vacation home before or are looking for new ideas, […]

There Is Always Downside Even with College Funds

college savings

Every parent from around the time they know their child is coming they start thinking about the costs. There are many expenses that come with a child, and one that needs some time to prepare for is their education. No matter what your child is interested in, there will always be some bill whether they […]

Health Care Can Get Tricky as We Age

health care

As we age, unfortunately, our bodies need more care. We can no longer just walk things off. We have to do more. Another issue is that we often have to be in search of new medical plans instead of enjoying the ones that we have dealt with during our careers. There are a few areas […]

Financial Advice from Your Future Self


When you picture your future, you no doubt imagine yourself comfortable financially. If you could talk to this successful future version of yourself, what advice would you they give you? Here are some pieces of financial advice they might pass along. Wants vs. Needs Identifying wants vs. needs is a skill that will serve you […]

Money Moves to Make in Your 50’s


Your 50’s are a time to start buckling down and preparing for retirement. Make the most out of this 10 year span by making the following money moves. Financial Trial Run If you’re unsure whether or not you’ll be able to live off your retirement funds alone, do a dry run. Give yourself the allotted […]

Traveling with Friends

friends travel

It’s always fun to take a vacation, especially with people who you love and are your friends. Sometimes, traveling with your besties can lead to unnecessary stress or complications. If you are planning a trip with close friends, here are a few great tips to keep in mind so that you can keep the fun […]

Working Out at Work

working out while working

Your workday can be very taxing and by the time you head home, the urge to work out and take care of yourself can completely fade. You feel unmotivated and burnt out. An easier way to get your sweat on while still accomplishing what you need to at work is to combine the two. By […]

Packing the Perfect Carry-On

carry on checklist

Air travel has gotten quite extensive and convoluted these days. There are so many stipulations for what you can carry on and what you can take with you on your flight.  For some, a carry-on is an item to keep oneself occupied during the flight, for others it is a way to avoid any additional […]

Mental Health at Work

work mental health

Between tasks that need to get done, people with their problems, and anything else that pops up during your day there can be a lot of stressors at work. It’s more important than ever to take care of your mental health even while being on the clock. Your workday will run smoother, and you’ll have […]

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