The Daily Tip Jar

You Got Laid Off. What’s Next?


Whether it came out of the blue or it has been a long time coming, the worst has happened and you were let go from your job. Where do you go from here? First, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. Others have been in your shoes before and have made it through—and so […]

5 Effective Ways To Prepare For Your Next Interview


Your resume grabbed the attention of a recruiter and you breezed through the phone interview with HR. Now comes the most daunting task—making a positive impression during the in-person interview so that you can get that coveted job offer. Interviews can be nerve-wracking, to say the least. What if they ask you about something you […]

Save Early As Possible

saving early

  Open up a saving account that accrues interest and is dedicated to solely saving for your child’s future. Fidelity Investments has excellent resources to help you plan how much you would like to put aside. In the beginning, start saving slowly; as your child gets older, increase the amount. This method will help you […]

4 Reasons to Consider Trade School Instead of College

hydrating at work

College is not the only post-high school education option. Trade school is a great opportunity for many. If you’re looking for alternatives to a college education, here are a few reasons to consider going a different route.  Hands-On Education Often, a college degree will prepare someone with the knowledge they need to be successful in […]

College Jobs to Look Into

Like everything else in our world, these days, college tuition is increasing as well. Housing, food, and gas are not making it any easier. The days of going to college with a side job are over. Students need to focus on school but also help with all the debt that is racking up while they […]

Things to do now so you can retire a millionaire

  When it comes to planning and preparing for retirement, you are never young enough to start. For some, retirement can seem so far away but those people that are nearing retirement age can attest that time really does fly by. Rather than making time the enemy, why not make it your biggest asset? The […]

Retirement Doesn’t Mean You Are Done Working

When you hit the time to retire, what do you envision? Are you sitting on a beach every day drinking an ice-cold beverage? Or are you traveling the world and seeing everything on your bucket list? Well, that will be great for a while. However, there may come a time when you are using too […]

Avoid these Retirement Saving Regrets

What are some of the biggest regrets retirees have surrounding their savings? Let’s take a look at a few that you’ll want to make sure you avoid. Failing to Diversify There are many ways to save money for retirement. Often times, people contribute their entire retirement savings into pre- tax savings accounts. However, it’s good […]

Financial Perks of Turning 65

Turning 65 may seem scary at first, you are finally retirement age, but the big question still looms overhead; do I have enough money to actually retire? There are more financial benefits out there than you may realize. Some are small financial perks that will save you a dollar here or there, which all add […]

What To Know About A 529 Plan

Saving for college comes with a lot of choices. What type of college fund is the right choice for your situation? Or will you just use a standard savings account to keep track of your college money. One type of college fund you should be aware of is the 529 plan. There are a lot […]

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