The Daily Tip Jar

As we age, unfortunately, our bodies need more care. We can no longer just walk things off. We have to do more. Another issue is that we often have to be in search of new medical plans instead of enjoying the ones that we have dealt with during our careers. There are a few areas that we need to think about before we get to this point in our lives. Plan now for the future.


Start now by taking care of yourself to hopefully ward off injury and sickness to the best of your ability. This means listening to your doctor now. Get the vaccinations they suggest for those sixty-five and older. Some main ones are pneumonia, shingles, tetanus, and the flu. Mental health screenings are another critical area we need to care for now to keep it healthy for the future. Cancer screenings are another area we all know we should be checking for. All of these are areas we need to stay ahead of. Falling behind is not something that we can risk doing.

Maintenance and Restorative Strategies

Caring for yourself now is needed in order to keep yourself healthy in the future. Maintain your health now by doing those simple things we all know. Eat healthily. Healthy eating is not something you want to wait to do. Cooking and eating healthy can take time to learn and is not something you will want to do in your older years. Do it now. Exercise is the other. You need to move your body. Find what you like to do while staying active and do it. Another more overlooked part is your skin. Take care to groom and protect your skin.

Training for Older Adults

If you are already in your older years, there are limits to the type of training and exercise. There are three things you want to focus on flexibility, balance, and aerobic training. Flexibility will help keep your joints in shape and chase away aches and pains there. Yoga is a great option and is low impact. Balance makes sense. You need to maintain your equilibrium and avoid harm. Finally, no matter your age, you need some aerobic training. Find a safe way to get that exercise as well.


Plan for your care before you need it. If you wait, your options could be limited or out of your control. Make sure you look into all the options that you have. Creating a document of your wishes is an intelligent choice if you have a family history of Alzheimer’s or dementia. Figure out where you would like to go and the type of care you want. It will be easier on you and those you love if you make all their choice before anything is needed. Knowing that you are getting the care you want will make all involved feel better about it.

No matter how unpleasant it is to think about, prepare now for your older years.

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