The Daily Tip Jar

Financial Advice for your 50’s


Your 50’s are a wonderful time. At this age, you’re (hopefully) an empty nester, and there’s a good chance you can see the finish line to retirement. It’s also a time where it can be easy to lose your way in terms of finances. Keep yourself on track with this financial advice. Long-Term Care Insurance […]

Fit in Your Exercise Every Chance You Get Even In The Office

health matters

Health has been a highlight in the last couple of years. However, staying healthy is not just about avoiding sickness. Everyone needs to be actively striving to improve their health each day. This is not just about what you eat. It is about how you move. Exercise is a needed part of maintaining our overall […]

Pamper Your Feet Even At Work


It is possible to be stylish and professional regarding what we are putting on our feet. If your feet are hurting, it is going to be hard to focus on your work tasks. This doesn’t mean that you should show up in slippers. Unless you work at a job that would allow that. Anyone that […]

Post High School Education- You have Options

trade school

Graduating from high school is a momentous occasion. It’s also a time where seniors are riddled with anxiety about what their next step will be. It seems as though nowadays society expects nothing less than a four-year college degree. Are there other options? The short answer: yes. Take a look at the following alternatives to […]

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