The Daily Tip Jar

Finance & Credit

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The Daily Tip Jar is a site dedicated to delivering our readers helpful tips for extra income, money saving tactics and general financial education along the way. The financial side of life doesn’t have to be daunting, overwhelming, or downright terrifying…

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Where to Start?

Save Early As Possible

Open up a saving account that accrues interest and is dedicated to solely saving for your child’s future. Fidelity Investments has excellent resources to help you plan how much…

Financial Habits to Develop Now To Benefit You Later

Establishing good financial habits is easier said than done. Having a lot of financial burden on your plate right now can make it seem impossible to see your financial future…

Financial Tips From Current Retirees

If you’re not sure where to even start when it comes to retirement savings, you’re not alone. Here are a few tips for current retirees to help you on your…

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Our Latest Tips

recalibrate expectations

Recalibrate Your Expectations

When we’re younger, we imagine living a lavish, work-free life by 50. Then life happens; we only can prevent so much from happening as we age. It’s time to buckle down on a solid plan for your everyday needs. Saving...


You Got Laid Off. What’s Next?

Whether it came out of the blue or it has been a long time coming, the worst has happened and you were let go from your job. Where do you go from here? First, it’s important to know that you’re...


Alternative Sources for Personal Loans

There are quite a few ways to increase your cash flow that don’t involve the services of a banking institution. Whether it’s money for personal use or money to sustain a business, here are a few alternative personal loan options...

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