The Daily Tip Jar

How to Hustle Your Way Through College

College Students

Off to college soon? Worried about expenses? If you’re not afraid of a little work, you can hustle your way through college with little to no debt. Whether you have scholarships or financial aid- or neither- an education is still possible. Read on to see if you’re ready! Understand Your Budget Before you even get […]

Mom’s Spaghetti Sauce

moms spaghetti

Mom’s Spaghetti Sauce – Will Feed 1 person 6 times, or 6 people at one meal Total (not including spices) about $15.00 (or $2.50 per serving) Ingredients: 1 28 oz Can of crushed tomatoes $2.19 1 28 oz Can of Tomato puree $2.29 1 6 oz Can of tomato paste $0.53 1 C. Water $0 […]

Paying for College

College Fund

Are you thinking about a college degree, but worried about paying back loans for college? Before you’ve even started attending college? It can be daunting to consider how much debt Americans go into for their degrees. U.S. News & World Report found the average bachelor’s degree graduate takes 21 years to pay off their loans. […]

Retirement Questions Answered


Have you considered your life after retirement? We often imagine a life of leisure, traveling the world or visiting family- or even just staying at home focusing on hobbies. These are all great goals and sound relaxing, but there is a financial reality to be aware of for the retired years. Whatever you choose to […]

Is My 401K Working for Me?


Accepting a job can come with a lot more than just a paycheck. If you are new to the workforce, it can be a lot to understand. After the payment, they will tell you about the benefits. Medical benefits are essential and can make us overlook the 401K options. We all need to be paying […]

Save Money – Send Them to Community College

College Students

Young adults don’t know what they want to do with the rest of their lives right out of high school. The first couple of years of college are spent taking prerequisite classes. Most of these are the same, no matter what college you attend. Everyone must take English 101 and History. Whether you are going […]

Who Created Retirement?


Retirement is a concept that did not exist before 1881. Those that lived before had nothing to look forward too. Once the people of that time hit the working-age, they started working. Most would continue working until they physically could not or until they died. All those years ago, this was the norm. They knew […]

401(k)rash Course


Maybe you have no idea what a 401(k) is and why it’s important or maybe you want a little easy refresher breakdown.  Bottom line, planning for your future is the most important thing you can do in the present, so whatever you do, enroll.  Turn all your 401(k) questions into 401 K, I can do […]

Finding Joy in Retirement

Happy Man

We often think retirement will be a carefree time, without work worries what do we have to stress about?! The children are grown and out of the house (hopefully!), you’ve saved enough to live modestly or extravagantly, and you now have the time plus the health to be able to live some big dreams. You […]

Marrying Later in Life, in Love and Finances

Middle Age Couple

Finding your soul-mate later in life can be great, whether it’s a second marriage or first time out of the gate.  Blending finances successfully together is one area that can be harder to accomplish as you get older. You’ve lived a whole life separately before now and both worked so hard to achieve goals financially, […]

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