The Daily Tip Jar

Rewards credit cards is a great way to be incentivized for spending money. Even though these programs seem enticing, always keep in mind that credit card companies only worry about their bottom line. Because of this, the type of rewards you consider is crucial to your decision making. Incentives for purchasing can persuade you to spend more than you otherwise would have. That’s why choosing a reward that makes sense for your purchasing behavior makes the most sense. For example, if you travel a lot or desire to, consider a travel reward. If you drive a lot, consider a gas reward. Here are the best rewards credit cards of 2019.

Best Flexible Rewards Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred has been favored repeatedly by credit card reviewers, and for good reasons. Here are the specifications:

Sign on Bonus 50,000 points (or $500 in travel) after you spend $4,000 in the first 3 months.  
Annual Fee $0 in the first year, $95 after first year.  
Travel Points You receive two points for every $1 spent on travel purposes. This includes airfare, transportation, and hotels.

Restaurant Points You receive two points for every $1 spent on dining purposes.  
Other Purchases You receive one point for every $1 spent on miscellaneous purchases.  
Other Benefits $0 Foreign Transaction FeesTransfer points to all participating frequent travel programs at 1 to 1 valueAuto Rental Collision Damage WaiverTrip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Insurance Zero Liability Protection 24/7 direct access to customer service specialistsBaggage Delay Insurance  


Best Travel Rewards Card

Capital One® Venture® Rewards Credit Card was voted in 2018 as “The Best Travel Card”. See for yourself why the card was so highly rated:

Sign on Bonus 50,000 miles (equal to $500 for travels) after you spend $3,000 in the first 3 months.  
Annual Fee $0 in the first year, $95 after first year.  
Travel Miles You receive two miles for every $1 spent on everyday purchases. Receive ten miles for every $1 spent on hotels.  
Other Benefits No foreign transaction feesGlobal Entry or TSA Pre® Credit24-Hour Travel Assistance ServicesAuto Rental Collision Damage WaiverTravel Accident InsuranceExtended WarrantyTransfer miles to one of their 10+ participating airline partners for more flexibility.  


Best Cash Back Rewards Card

Discover it® Cash Back will double your cash back at the end of the year by matching whatever you’ve earned in the 12-month billing cycle. A highlight of this card is the $0 annual fee!

Sign on Bonus Matches cash back amount at the end of the year.  
Annual Fee $0
Cash Back 5% cash back on gas, groceries, restaurants, and more, up to the quarterly maximum. After the max is reached, you can still earn an unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.  
Other Benefits Your cash back never expiresRedeem your any amount of your reward whenever you wantFree social security number alerts

*Value Penguin

Regardless of which card you choose, the most important thing is to consider which one makes the most sense to you. You can review at your finances to see what you spend the most money on already and pair that with a credit card that makes sense. This way, you begin to get rewarded for the money you already would be spending.

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