The Daily Tip Jar

“Cash or credit?”

cash credit

With the introduction of bitcoin, Samsung Pay, and the like, there are so many options to choose from for making a purchase. Cash and credit are still the primary methods in which people make purchases, and so we hope to break down the benefits — and detriments — of both forms of payments. Benefits of […]

Items that Might Not be Broken but Should be Replaced


True, if something’s not broken, there’s not really a need to fix it, but at the same time, that doesn’t mean we should forget about maintenance. From cars to roofing, here are a few things to keep an eye on that just might be financially smarter to replace.  Car In the case of a car, […]

Small Steps to Big Savings: Introducing Financial Micro-habits

Money habits

Change begins with small steps, and that’s exactly what micro-habits are. As Brianna Wiest from Forbes explains, micro-habits are small actions that can lead to big savings. According to Benjamin Hardy in the same article, micro-habits are quite like compound interest — small investments that can grow and help us down the road. Wiest’s article […]

Build Your Budget by Reevaluating These Expenses


While putting away small amounts here or there can add up to huge savings, small expenses can be eating away at your budget. Here are few things to consider cutting from your budget to put more money back in your wallet. Gym memberships — if you’re not going to go, they need to go We […]

Business Loans

Business Loan

Whether you’re fresh out of college or taking a chance on a new opportunity, those looking to start up a small business might be looking for some financial assistance. While this article is far from a comprehensive 101, here are some tools you can use to find a loan to start your next dream or […]

All About Bank Loans


It’s true that money can’t buy happiness, but there are plenty of things money can buy, be it the perfect house or paying for an unprecedented emergency room visit. When these situations happen and we don’t have the money, there are a couple of options to secure the finances to keep life moving on. One […]

Home Loans 101

Home Loan

You’re tired of stressing about nail holes in the wall and asking permission to make tiny modifications to your abode, so you’ve decided to take the first steps toward buying your own home. But what is the first step? Picking out a new place seems like a fun starting point, however there are some formalities […]

Safeguard Against Credit Fraud

Credit Card Security

In today’s modern world, we have instant access to the dollars in our bank accounts and approvals for new credit lines, but unfortunately so do scammers and crooks. The good news is, there are simple measures we can take to help safeguard our money and our sensitive information.  ATMs and gas pumps can sometimes be […]

Which Credit Card is Right for You?

credit card

If you’re like me, you get at least one offer for a new credit card every time you go to the mailbox. There are cards out there for people with exceptional credit, no credit, and even for people who have so many other credit cards they need to transfer the balances, so they only have […]

Best Lenders for Personal Loans


In finance, a personal loan is a sum of money provided by an individual, organization, or any entity to an individual for personal use. The receiver of the loan is then obliged to pay back the principal at a specific interest rate within a stipulated period of time. You may not be sure where to […]

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