The Daily Tip Jar

  • Criticism Is Not Worst ThingCriticism Is Not Worst Thing
    The most dreaded day of work, after Monday, is the day you get evaluated. No matter how prepared you think you are, it is always nerve racking. Someone is going to be looking very closely at your work performance. They will be searching for anything that they can tell you to improve. There are only two ways a meeting like ...
  • Techniques to Enjoy Your Work LifeTechniques to Enjoy Your Work Life
    Not everyone is lucky enough to have a career that is enjoyable all the time. There are going to be times in life that you get tired of going to work. And there will be times it seems like there is no joy in the office. There are things you can do to try and prevent or lessen these effects. ...
  • Working from Home for the HolidaysWorking from Home for the Holidays
    Your job may look a little different this holiday season than it has in years past, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do things to keep your space festive and your attitude light. Take Some Time You don’t have to make the holidays a working vacation, just because your office is in the next room. Your “me” time is always vital, but ...
  • Favoritism Has No Place in the Workplace
    Favoritism can be one of the most complicated and most hurtful things to deal with at work. Most of the time, it has nothing to do with you or your work performance. There are many ways to go about dealing with this uncomfortable situation. Ending any favoritism is not in your control, but there are ways to help move it ...
  • Work from Home GearWork from Home Gear
    The internet is rife with things for sale that you’ll probably never want, (pssst, I’m talking to you, gold plated, digital shower head) but that doesn’t mean you can’t find things you didn’t know you were missing out on. Working from home is a new concept for a lot of people, and thankfully, the internet has some products that may ...
  • Why Contribute to a 401K?Why Contribute to a 401K?
    Investing in a company sponsored 401k program is a financially responsible decision you should be considering. Here are some of the benefits investing can provide to help you prepare for your future. Automatically Saving If you choose to opt in to your work’s 401k program, you can have the money automatically taken out of your paycheck. This means that you don’t have to worry about ...

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