The Daily Tip Jar

What Personal Finance Never Taught You

paying bills

Whether you just took personal finance in school last year or 30 years ago, it’s always a smart choice to review good money management practices. In the case you’re part of the 83.6 percent of the population who weren’t required to take personal finance in high school, here are the top takeaways to keep in […]

Important Reasons Why You Should Review Your Credit Report

Credit Score

One of the most important numbers in your financial portfolio is your credit score. The best thing you can do for yourself to help maintain or improve your current financial situation is make sure your credit is unblemished with unpaid credit card accounts and other bills. Below are just some of the many reasons as […]

Three No-Fuss Ways To Budget for the Holidays


Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but let’s be honest, it can also be the most taxing. With all the shopping to be done, meals to prepare, family get togethers, and lack of sunlight throughout the day, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. According to Experian, the average American has racked up over […]

How to Negotiate Credit Card Fees Down

piggy bank

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Credit Card Secrets: Tips for Using Your Debt


Credit cards have a couple of secrets that the common consumer can benefit from. Below, we’ll uncover a couple of credit card secrets, so you can take advantage of the countless ins-and-outs of ultra-competitive lenders. With these two tips, you’ll understand how to use credit cards in ways you might have never considered. Use Multiple […]

Why You Need a Roth IRA

ira 401k

As an adult, getting your finances in order is confusing. Between the complicated names, trying to understand what is taxed and what’s not, and all of the unspoken rules, it’s a lot for one person to figure out on their own. If you’ve heard the term Roth IRA floating around recently, it’s not just you. […]

Hate Your Job? Before You Quit, Try These Things

Hate My Job

Work is where we spend a significant portion of our lives, so if your current position is making you miserable, your first instinct is probably to head for the hills. But before you march into your manager’s office and slap your resignation letter onto his or her desk, try to resolve the issue by confronting […]

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Improve Your Credit Rating NOW

credit score

Ever wonder why your local electronics store might refuse you credit but offer your neighbor instant credit? Ever wonder why people will tell you to always keep your history clean and accurate? It’s because this is the only way you can be offered additional instant credit (cards). But how is it that a lender can […]

CDs, Stocks, or Savings Accounts? The Best Ways To Grow Your Money

Grow Money

Most of us work our entire lives in the hopes that we’ll be able to retire one day and enjoy the fruits of our labor. But it’s not enough to put in the work required of day-to-day life if you aren’t being wise about the money you save. Passively grow the money you have saved […]

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