The Daily Tip Jar

Consider these College Funds – Ways to Make Paying for College Easier

College Sign

Even though college might still be a ways away, budgeting and saving is always relevant. Before application season descends upon your household, start preparing to see what you can do to financially prepare for the hefty cost of college by looking into the different types of college savings plans available to you.  529 Plans Legally […]

Back to the Basics: The Cash Envelope System

Cash in Envelope

Sometimes all it takes to get back on track is to stick to the basics. When was the last time you paid for a purchase in cash? Do you typically carry cash with you? In this day and age, we favor convenience over cash. Credit cards and apps are people’s typical payment methods, but it […]

Unconventional Ways to Help Pay for College

Graduation Caps

As the cost of college continues to increase, it’s becoming vital to discover new ways to pay for it. Thinking outside the box is the best way to come up with unconventional ways to fund your education. If you find yourself stressed and short on creativity, here are a few ideas to help get you […]

Helping your Kids through College without Breaking the Bank

College Student

Preparing and sending your kids to college is no easy task. The financial responsibilities alone are enough to make anyone sweat. There are a few things you can do to help minimize the costs and make the transition easier for everyone. Save some money and stress with these simple tips. Stay Home You read that […]

Choosing the Right Investment Fund

The best time to start investing is when you first enter the workforce. Whether you’re putting money away for your children’s college or for your retirement, investing your money into some kind of fund is a great idea to consider. Contributing the smallest amount you can will still be a huge benefit for you down […]

College Funds (529 plan)

College Fund

If you are a parent or plan on being a parent, starting a college fund for your children has probably crossed your mind at least once. The most popular college fund is a 529 plan. They can differ slightly when created depending on the stipulations you want to place and depending on the state you […]

Putting Your Kid Through College Without Breaking the Bank

College Students

Parents want to do whatever they can to help their children succeed in life. One way parents can help their children start out on the right foot is paying or helping their children pay for college or some sort of secondary education (trade schools). This, however, can be a very daunting task. College is not […]

So, You Think You’re Ready for Retirement?


After all the hard work you’ve put into the work force, you think you’re finally ready to retire and relax. There’s a lot of other things you should consider besides reaching the age of 65 before you officially stop working. Before you slide into the life of retirement, stop and think. Do you have all […]

401K’s Explained


I considered the title “401K’s for Dummies,” but that didn’t seem fair. There is a lot of information about 401K’s that is not widely known. And that does not make you dumb. The first thing I think of when I hear 401K is Pheobee from the sitcom Friends calling it a 4-O-Onek. Always makes me […]

Paying to Put Your Kid/s through College

College Students

College is expensive. According to the College Board of a study done in 2016-2017 tuition and fees at a public four-year college or university cost around $9,650 a year. If going out of state that cost rises to around $25,000 and if a private school is chosen than around $33,000 or higher. Remember that is […]

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