As the cost of college continues to increase, it’s becoming vital to discover new ways to pay for it. Thinking outside the box is the best way to come up with unconventional ways to fund your education. If you find yourself stressed and short on creativity, here are a few ideas to help get you started.
Employer Reimbursement
Do you have a job you love? A job you’ve been working at for a long time? If so, reach out to your boss and see if they would be willing to sponsor your education in some way. Talk about your needs and go in with a specific number. Discuss the possibility of you using your education to improve their business. You could also offer to stay with the company for a certain number of years post graduation if that’s more appealing to your boss. Also, mention the fact that it’s a tax write-off! To summarize, come up with a plan, and pitch the idea to your boss. You never know what they’ll say until you ask.
If you haven’t heard of, go check it out now! According to an article written for, “These crowd-funding sites allow students to collect money from family members, friends, and even strangers to put towards their tuition or student debt.” If your friends and family aren’t sure what to get you for holidays, birthdays or graduation, encourage them to visit this site. It’s an easy way for people to help pay for your schooling as well as student loans after you graduate.
Odd Jobs
Reach out to friends, neighbors, family, classmates and coworkers to see if they need any odd jobs done. It could be anything from a car wash, weed pulling or landscaping business, house sitting or dog walking . These jobs might not pay very much, but every little bit helps. Small amounts can add up quickly and if you do a great job, you’ll likely get referrals as well. As you get better and more efficient, you’ll be able to maximize your profits and make the most out of your time.
Learn a New Skill
Get creative and learn a new skill. You would be surprised at how many things you can teach yourself using only the internet. If you know anyone in your community who could help you as well, reach out to them. Do some apprentice type work and learn all you can. Start your own photography business, t-shirt printing company or learn to bake delicious desserts. If you’re tech savvy, you could even start your own IT side business where you fix your fellow students’ computers. Make sure the time commitment involved can be done while still maintaining your rigorous class schedule.
Making it out of college debt free is absolutely possible. However, it requires hard work and creativity. Hustle now so you can enjoy a debt free lifestyle later.