Managing your finances can be stressful. It may seem like you never have enough or that your most of your paycheck goes toward paying your bills than savings account. While it can be difficult not to stress about money, it’s important to work on putting your finances in check so it’s not a constantly lingering cloud over your head.
- Know exactly where you stand
Do you know all the amounts of all of your debts, expenses, income, investments, and assets? While it may seem somewhat daunting, it’s fairly easy to track. And, once you have everything in place, it’s even easier to maintain. There are many programs and apps to help you keep track of your finances, but a simple spreadsheet is all that you really need. By beginning and continuing to know exactly where you stand with your finances, you’ll be able to budget better and have an accurate picture of all of your accounts.
- Make a plan
Once you have a good sense of where you stand with your finances, it’s important to make a plan of how to move yourself toward your goals. If you’re trying to pay off your student loans or mortgage, determine exactly how much you would have to pay every month to move yourself toward a debt-free life. If you’re trying to build a more robust savings account, calculate and set a budget for your monthly expenses so you’re not spending potential savings money. A plan can be incredibly beneficial for keeping you on track and setting you up for financial success.

- Cut out unnecessary extras
It can be easy to spend money when we have money, but this habit can quickly spiral into spending your money on unnecessary items. It can be helpful to develop a mindset of, “I have everything I need.” Downsizing and downscaling do not have to be negative actions; in fact, it can be healthier to cut out the clutter and excess around you. Not only with this help you stick to your financial plan, it can also give you better perspective on what you really need in your life.
- Live within your means
This tip is simple – if you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. Try searching for less expensive alternatives when you’re shopping. While it may seem like only a dollar here and there, dollars add up and coupons matter. By living within your means, you’ll be able to avoid impulse purchases and focus on what you need rather than what you want.
- Practice gratitude
It can be powerful to focus on the things to be grateful for in our lives. While it can be easy to see what other have and what we wish we had, reflecting on the things we own in just one room can give important perspective. Practicing gratitude can also help us not take things for granted and help us see the many privileges and blessings we have even in the whirlwind of managing our finances.
Really I need all those tips