Every student knows the feeling that you get after paying thousands for tuition to turn around and pay more for textbooks. School is one of the most substantial investments in our lives. Any help in getting that price down is always welcomed. There are no coupons to bring down the cost of tuition, but there is a possibility of saving money on textbooks. Check out these ideas to lower the amount you spend on books.
Chegg Books
Every college will have a bookstore that you can rent and buy your textbooks from. Shop around, and you will be able to find lower prices. Chegg Books is one of those places you can find less expensive textbooks to rent or buy. They also offer other services to help you succeed in college. The only thing more costly than books is having to retake a class. They have areas you can get help with writing, flashcards, math solving, and tutors. There is no way you will fail if you take advantage of all the study help they offer.
Go Textbooks
Renting a textbook will save you money initially, but you can’t make any of it back. Buying a book allows you to make some of your money back by selling it. Go Textbooks is the number one site to sell back your used textbooks. It is so simple everyone should be taking advantage of this site. Type in the ISBN number of your book and get a quote right away. Shipping is also free, and you have to print the label and drop off the package. Once they get the textbook, you get paid!
Getting online textbooks called eBooks is becoming more popular. See if there is an eBook version of the textbook your professor is requiring. Choosing this option can cut the price at least in half, if not more. Most eBooks are available to rent as well, lowering the cost even more. Using eBooks can take some practice. Reading on a device is different than a physical copy. There is a way to highlight and take notes on the eBook so that you won’t be missing out on anything.
Sharing is caring. Do you have friends or roommates taking the same class? Will you be studying in a group? Why not share the price of the textbook? Sharing with a classmate means you are only paying half the amount. If you choose to share a used copy, that gives you even more savings. The logistics of who has the book when is the only thing you need to overcome. Have it written out ahead of time to prevent any conflict.
Libraries are a great resource that every college student should take advantage of. Many have copies of the textbooks that you can rent for a few hours at a time. For classes that don’t rely heavily on textbooks, this is a good option.
Save money everywhere you can start with your textbooks.