The Daily Tip Jar

  • Contingent ClosingsContingent Closings
    If you already own a home but are looking to sell it and purchase another, it can be really tricky to know which to start first or where to begin. The noticeable difference in your options depends, of course, if you need to sell the first in order to pay for the next. We call this a type of ...
  • Four P’s for First Time Home BuyersFour P’s for First Time Home Buyers
    I might argue that working with first time home buyers are my favorite clients to have, although it can be the most involved and require the most work. I don’t mind it and much more than that, I love the fact that I get to play a part in someone’s monumental season. First time buying does not have to be scary although it might ...
  • Make Money BuyingMake Money Buying
    The saying goes, ‘you make money when you buy in real estate, not when you sell.’ Isn’t that an interesting concept? We say this for a few reasons; the first: when you buy and hold real estate, you have the investment and the value of its worth in your hands – a current value you know to be true to ...
  • Buying your First HomeBuying your First Home
    Purchasing your first home is an incredibly exciting milestone. It comes after the culmination of hard work and sacrifice. Make your home buying experience a positive one from start to finish. Check out these tips to help you streamline the process. Utilize the Internet There are numerous apps (with accompanying websites) you can download in order to see available homes in your area. Some of the ...
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