The Daily Tip Jar

Are you one of those people who has no idea where your money goes after you get paid? Managing money is a skill that takes both time and practice. However, if you can master this skill, it is one that will serve you well for the rest of your life. Here are some suggestions on how you can get started managing your money like a professional.

Track your Money

A good manager is highly involved in ensuring the success of their workplace. Being a good money manager means that you are highly involved in every aspect of your personal finances. Make a budget and track every single penny that goes in and out of your bank account. You need to know exactly how much income you are generating each month and how much you are spending. That information will help you ensure that you stay within your monthly budget. It will also help you to meet your other financial goals.


Make a list of your financial priorities. Whether it’s saving, paying off debt, or thinking about your financial future, it is important to make a plan. Try listing out your priorities starting with the most important. After you have identified what is most important to you, come up with a strategy to get you where you want to be. List out the steps you will need to take and use all your resources to go after your goals. Don’t get distracted! Nothing is better than being debt free with a hefty savings.


Set a monthly savings goal and stick to it. Decide on a number that you can easily stick to each month and start there. Adjust the number as needed and increase that number over time if possible. When you build up your savings, you are working towards building up your financial security. This money will be of great use if you ever have an emergency. In building up your savings, you will be able to decrease the chances of having to use your credit card to bail yourself out of desperate situations. When you save, you are doing your part to ensure that you remain debt free as much as possible.

Use Cash

Using cash for your purchases is a phenomenal way to make sure you don’t go over budget. It’s ideal for expenses like groceries where it is easy to overspend. Try leaving your card at home and pay close attention to the prices of the things you buy. Since you will only have cash with you, you won’t be able to go over budget while shopping. Dealing in cash is different than paying with a card. When you physically hold money in your hand, you are more cognizant of how much you are spending. Managing money is not something that comes easy to the majority of the population. However, nothing is as sweet as being fiscally responsible. Practice these tips for managing your money and make your financial dreams come tr

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