Loans are not the only way to pay for college. College can be such a considerable expense, but there are ways to chip away before taking any loans. If you are creative and willing to put some work in, it will pay off. After graduating, the worst feeling is looking at the amount that you built up in your loans. How great would it be to get to the end of your degree and see that amount be lower than you expected? Check out these great ideas to pay it off easier without large loans.
The first thing you need to look into is grants. Grants can come from colleges, the federal government, or your state. They all give out grants that do not need to be repaid. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, also referred to as FAFSA is the most common grant. Your income determines eligibility. If you have not applied for this one, head to the website and get your application started. Talk to your college about grants they offer or those offered to you by the state that you live in. The more grant money you can get to pay for your classes and other fees, the better.
Work-Study Jobs
Through the FAFSA, you can also qualify for work-study jobs that are located near or on campus. Even if you do not qualify with FAFSA, look for positions on campus to work part-time. There are many positions at colleges that the students fill. These positions are more flexible with your schedule that can change each semester. In contrast, other part-time jobs may not be willing to work around your classes. Find a part-time job is essential to lower to amount that you will need to put on a student loan.

Scholarships are not a waste of time. And if you do not succeed on the first one, do not let that stop you. Just ask Christopher Gray that won more than thirty-five scholarships. To win that many, he had to of lost out on some that he applied to. The more you go after, the more that you will get. Read over his story to pick up some of the tips that helped him be so successful. Take advantage of sites like Scholly that help match you with all the scholarships out there.
Living Costs
Those attending college right out of high school can’t wait to get out of their parents’ house and on campus. This is not the wisest choice when it comes to saving. The experience of living on campus may not be worth the money added to the loan. It all adds up. It is much cheaper to live off-campus. Whether that be roommates or staying in your childhood home, weigh out your options. Take the more affordable path it will pay off in the future.
Get ahead in life, end your college years with a degree and future career, and no debt!