The word scholarship can be overwhelming for someone who is trying to earn as much money for their education as possible. School expenses are skyrocketing and being forever shackled by student loans is a terrifying thought. Finding scholarships that are less competitive is an excellent way to make the most out of your time. Here are some resources you can utilize to find these scholarships.
Let’s Talk Numbers
These scholarships wont always lead to large sums of money. Before you think it might not be worth it to apply, consider this article written for It mentions, “It is worthwhile to apply for scholarships with small award amounts because every dollar the student wins in scholarships is a dollar less borrowed. Every dollar borrowed will cost about two dollars by the time the debt is repaid. So, effectively, a scholarship may be worth twice the nominal award amount. Moreover, spending an hour applying for a $500 scholarship where the student has a 1 in 10 chance of winning is the equivalent of earning $50 an hour, a higher rate of pay than most students can earn. The small scholarships add up.”
Local Community
There are many businesses and franchises in your community that offer scholarships to locals. Dunkin Donuts, Macy’s, and Target are a couple examples. You have a much better chance of winning against a few hundred/thousand people in your community than against every college age student in the United States. Search these opportunities out by making a list of companies in your community and calling them. There may also be businesses who will help sponsor your schooling. For example, if you want to go into a specific career field, call around to see if these businesses have any job openings. You could potentially gain experience in your desired field as well as earn scholarship money and a wage.
Focus on a Niche
You are more likely to be successful if you focus your efforts. Concentrate on applying for scholarships that play to your strengths. Zina Kumok wrote an article for that says, “Make a list of all your hobbies, interests and extracurricular activities and research scholarships designed for those. If you’re a theater buff, find theater-based scholarships. If you love Latin class, find scholarships through the National Junior Classical League. The reason this strategy works is because you already have a strong advantage when applying for a scholarship you care about. Your essay is likely to be better because you’re passionate about the topic.” Keep in mind that most scholarships don’t typically have a minimum age requirement. You can start applying for them in middle school. As your interests change, it will give you an opportunity to apply for a diverse range of scholarships.
Get excited about the process and put your all into it. Any amount you receive in scholarships will help you achieve your degree with the least amount of debt possible. What an incredibly worthwhile goal!