True people with wealth are not those you see in giant mansions driving fancy cars. Warren Buffet’s lifestyle is a case in point. The man is worth $85 billion dollars yet lives in a house he bought in 1958 for $32,000. True wealthy people are penny pinchers. They are frugal with their money. They don’t waste, use leftovers, and question all their purchases.
These habits are great because it promotes a conscience living. The individuals you’ll learn about below are on a whole different level. These penny pinchers will shock you with their cringe-worthy methods. Showcased on TLC’s Extreme Cheapskate series, they take frugality to an extreme. They cross certain lines that the typical penny pincher does not, from eating roadkill for dinner, to using their car to dry their clothes.
The Bathroom Jar
Victoria Hunt saves $10 a month by using this odd method. She uses an old lemonade jar to urinate in. This saves her from flushing the toilet more than twice a day. She takes her savings further by dumping the jar contents into a compost pile for her garden.
Breast Milk Collection
Apple Melecio is a mother who knows the cost of raising a child. When she stopped producing breast milk, she started asking friends for their unused breast milk. Anyone from yoga friends to coworkers. She saves over $1,000 a year by asking for free milk. On top of that, she made her own baby wipes, changing table, and diapers.
Roadkill for Dinner
Vickie Smith employs many different methods to save money – one of which is eating roadkill for dinner. Her husband is a butcher, so they don’t shy from roadkill! With a large family, Vickie is driving to save where she can. They will save hundreds of dollars by hopping into their family van and hitting the road in search of roadkill. When they find ‘good and fresh’ roadkill, dinner is served.
Multi-Purpose Refrigerator
Todd Moriarty is a true cheapskate. He uses his refrigerator to clean everything from clothes to his pots and pans. He cuts his energy usage by 10%. He also has a Jacuzzi that came with the house when he purchased it. He uses this Jacuzzi to wash his clothes, heat up food, and even for bathing. In his car, he put a drying line across the backseat. With the windows rolled down, the clothes get a free dry.
At-Home Dental Work
Karen Hearn saves money by doing her own medical procedures. Once her dentist told her the remedy for the abscess in her tooth is to extract it, she took matters into her own hands. By watching a Youtube video on how to extract a tooth, Karen employed her in-experienced husband to save $185 dollars. The total cost will be $10 to do at home. This one is not for the weak of stomach.
These shocking habits intent is to save money, but some tactics put their health in danger. We don’t recommend any of these tactics. Although their reasoning may vary, it’s no question that they are extreme cheapskates! Let us know what you think about these methods, or if you have extreme methods of your own in the comments below.
I feel that some people take thing’s to extreme! Especially if they already have the fund’s and then some. If I were rich, I would give to my family after I bought a house and car. Then I would give to charities.