Saving money while in college may seem like the most obvious thing to do, but as a former college student it can be a little harder than it seems. Saving money all starts with what most of us spend the most on. Food! Many college students spend so much on going out to eat, ordering through food delivery applications, or even a meal plan in the long run! If you like to cook or don’t mind I definitely suggest you opt out of choosing a meal plan or selecting the less costly option. These simple steps will have you less in debt and less worry about not fully utilizing your meal plan.
Avoid Temptation
It may be easier said than done, but avoid the temptation of strolling down the junk food aisles. When you throw junk food in your cart, you are blindly shopping for anything that resembles your late night snack. These habits can come back to bite you because when you get to the aisle to check out the total will blow your mind and you have completely forgotten about the essentials.
Do you know where to start your shopping journey in the grocery store? Shopping the perimeter of the grocery store before going through the aisles is one of the easiest ways to save as a college student. These areas are usually reserved for produce, fruit, and dairy. All of these items you need in order to create a well rounded meal for any time of day.
Take Time and Evaluate
Evaluate when and what you eat for each meal. This can be a simple change to determine how you should buy your groceries moving forward. If you don’t usually eat breakfast, but have a morning class, get quick snacks to charge you throughout the day. Granola, energy bars, and oatmeal are must haves if this sounds like you. On the other hand, if you are big on breakfast you may want to get pancake mix, frozen breakfast sandwiches, and the classic frozen waffles. These are dining essentials that can be tailored to your stomach and your budget. If you did this simple activity with every meal imagine how much you would save!
Start With the Essentials
Shop for your essentials before you think about all of the extras. Things that you use on the daily that should be stocked up include items like: paper towels, toilet tissue, milk, and water. If you start with these items in your shopping cart you are already on the right track to sticking to your budget. Below is the start to your grocery list now, you can personalize it!
Mock Grocery List:
– Sandwich Meat or Beyond Meat Patties
– Bread
– Crackers
– Egg
– Fresh Vegetables and Frozen Vegetables
– Rice
– Spices (Cinnamon, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, etc.)