The Daily Tip Jar

Should You Pay for Your Children’s College Degree?


Raising children is full of choice after choice. The chances are that you may not always make the same decisions as other parents, and that is not a bad thing. What is right for one family may not be what is best for another. Some believe that their job as a parent is done when […]

Lower College Costs Without Loans

money saving tips

Loans are not the only way to pay for college. College can be such a considerable expense, but there are ways to chip away before taking any loans. If you are creative and willing to put some work in, it will pay off. After graduating, the worst feeling is looking at the amount that you […]

How to Pay for College


College can be expensive and figuring out how to pay for it can be an incredibly daunting experience. Luckily, there are several avenues you can explore to get funding for your education. Here are a couple options. Loans If you haven’t received any scholarships or grants, student loans are an option. An article written by […]

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