The Daily Tip Jar

Spending 8 or more hours a day at school is a lot, no matter how old your child is. Teach them how to unwind after a long day. Here are some activities you can use to accomplish this goal.

Take a Walk

Fresh air, a change of scenery and a little exercise can fix almost anything. This is a great way to spend time with your child. Take this as an opportunity for them to tell you all about their day. Ask them questions. Find out what they like about school and who their friends are. The more interest you show in connecting with your child, the easier it will be for them to open up to you. Show them you care with some extra quality time.

Read to Your Kids

Your children spend a lot of time at school and home reading by themselves. Additionally, a lot of the reading they are required to do for school isn’t for pleasure. You have to teach them to love reading and the best way to do that is to get them hooked on a good story. Turn it into a bonding experience and read to your child aloud. Choose a book you’re both interested in so this activity is something you enjoy and look forward to doing together. It’s a fun and easy way to unwind after a hectic day.

Play a Game

Playing games with your children is a great way to connect with them. It gives you the opportunity to have fun and also engage in conversation. It also has the ability to take their minds off of school. An article written for gives further suggestions by saying, “Board games come in all shapes and sizes. Spend some quality time with your child and play a board game. You could even incorporate educational games to go with their learning such as sight word BINGO.” Children learn through all types of play. Playing games gives you the unique opportunity of having fun and teaching your child without them even realizing it.
family games

Dance Party

Music will help your child de-stress after a long day at school. Turn on your favorite tunes and let your body take over from there. Dance, jump, and sing your heart out and encourage your kids to do the same. They may be hesitant, but the more fun and silly you make it, the more likely they are to join in.

Take a Bath

Have you ever soaked in a hot bath after a long day of work? It’s awesome, right? A bath is a great way for your child to have some quiet time to destress. This will help them feel relaxed and at ease.

School can be difficult for children. The days are long and recesses are short. Help them unwind at home by adopting some of these suggestions. It will make a huge difference for both you and your child.



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