No matter where you go to study for your undergrad degree, going to college can be an expensive undertaking. Every year prospective students are met with the same fate. The cost of getting a college education just continues to rise year after year. On average, tuition for undergraduate programs have entered the mid $30,000’s (depending upon the institution). College costs do have the possibility to be cut. In fact, if you do your research early and make plans to fund your specific school in advance, you could attend for free! How does that sound? A full college education with the experience without the burden.
Research Your Grant
There are many different grants out there and reading through them all could leave you with a migraine. Without grants the outlook on school may not look too cheery and will deplete your deserved excitement. To leave these negatives behind let’s discuss a few grants that could leave you in a better financial state. Whether you are going to school for an academic, athletic, or creative ability these grants should be able to assist you.
- Pell Grant: This grant is reserved for students who display a certain financial need. In order to receive this grant your family’s income will come into question and will be put in comparison to the cost of school and the need will be determined from there. If you are determined as a candidate then you can receive over $6000 in assistance each year.
- Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants: If you plan on becoming a teacher in the future this grant is for you. In order to be determined as a potential candidate you have to meet some requirements, but if they are met a little under $4000 a year is what you will receive to fund your education.
- Awesome Foundation Grant: This grant goes to all the people doing great things in their communities. The Awesome Foundation recognizes individuals who make change and deserve to be recognized for it. The application is under 20 minutes and if you win $1000 is yours!
Past Winner Projects
– Providing Proper Resources to Former Inmates
– Donating a Bench with a Creative Depiction of Love
– A Clothing Drive for Teens
We Ship #Scholars!
Scholarships are easy to come by and often easy to apply for if you have time to search through a couple. Niche and ScholarshipOwl are two sites that aid students in finding the scholarship that is perfect for them. Whether you are looking for a scholarship based on your merits, creative writing ability, or anything in between…they have it! These scholarships also vary in assistance. You can apply for a scholarship worth $500 and another worth $5000, it all depends on what you are looking for and how it applies to you. The nice thing about these sites is that they will clearly list who is qualified to apply. With this addition it provides a bit of comfort to the individual filling out these applications because you don’t have to assume. Scholars are valued. Instead of being stressed about how you will pay for college, get a move on these applications!