The Daily Tip Jar

Your job may look a little different this holiday season than it has in years past, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do things to keep your space festive and your attitude light.

Take Some Time

You don’t have to make the holidays a working vacation, just because your office is in the next room. Your “me” time is always vital, but it can be even more important to take some R&R during the winter celebrations of Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s Day. Let’s face facts, you don’t want to find yourself shoveling Christmas ham with all the fixings down your gullet in the middle of a staff meeting. Don’t let your boss pressure you into taking work calls or emails, either. Be firm that no human shall invade the sanctity of you watching the ball drop while your dog watches you shoot tequila.


Don’t skimp on the workspace t-rex shaped menorahs and pine scented glitter garland just because you’re not in your usual cubical. Coworkers may not be cruising by to check out your festive digs, but you’ll still enjoy them.

Video Party

The booze and celebratory environment that occurs at your office holiday party may give you insight into the psyche of your coworkers that you don’t get the rest of the year. Whether that insight is a welcome amusement, or something not so appreciated, you may miss it more than you think. Luckily, video conferencing can keep the camaraderie going this year, too, and if you don’t like watching Jan from HR drinking wine straight from the bottle in her Santa jammies, you can always dip off by “losing connection.”

Office Prezzies

Exchanging gifts with your closest workmates doesn’t have to stop, just because you’re not in physical contact. You can safely send them a little something from local businesses who deliver or online retailers. You never know who might feel the little holiday pick me up they needed from a gift basket or cookie delivery. Virtual gift cards are also an inexpensive, contactless option when working from home.

Holiday Spirit

Don’t forget to check in on your coworkers and take the time to send them a funny Rudolph cartoon or heartwarming comic strip via email. The holidays can be hard for many people during a regular year, so you never know who may be counting on your upbeat positivity this year during the pandemic.

Even though you may be working from home, you should still take the time you need to properly enjoy them, both at work and away from your desk.

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