Retirement is not a topic we love to think about. There are so many aspects that will worry us. Finding the right information for your circumstances is essential. Everyone will approach retirement in their way. Look for the advice that you need in these top retirement books.
Retired Inspired
“Retired Inspired: It’s Not an Age, It’s a Financial Number,” written by Chris Hogan, is a must-read. Whether you are planning on retiring in five years or twenty-five years, it has you covered. Chris Hogan believes that it is never too early or too late to get ready for your retirement. One reviewer said. “First of all, I work in the industry and see what he talks about in this book way too much. I wish everyone would read this and take it seriously!”
Get What’s Yours
Do you plan to depend on your social security? If you answered yes, then you need to read, “Get What’s Yours.” There are multiple authors for this book; Laurence Kotlikoff, Philip Moeller, and Paul Solman. With all the experts, you can trust what they present. Unlike most, they have read all the 2,728 rules that are involved with Social Security. This book will tell you how to get the most out of the Social Security system.
The Simple Path to Wealth
JL Collins came about writing, “The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence And A Rich, Free Life” in a unique way. He had been writing back in forth with his daughter about her many financial questions. Realizing that many like is daughter don’t enjoy thinking about these issues, he moved in to help. This book covers many topics from dealing with debt to getting ready for retirement. This book gives an excellent overview of the many topics most will have questions about.
How To Retire Happy, Wild, and Free
“How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free: Retirement Wisdom That You Won’t Get From Your Financial Advisor,” written by Ernie J. Zelinski, takes a different approach to retirement. Jonathan Chevreau from the from the National Post reported, “To be sure, retirement books are a glutted field, but most focus on money and financial planning. They view the finish line as the last day of employment. That’s where Zelinski’s begins.” The enjoyment that can come from retirement goes past having the right amount in the bank. He dives into the physical, social, mental, and creative areas of your life when your work life ends.
How to Make Your Money Last
Jane Bryant Quinn is the author of many financial books, one being, “How to Make Your Money Last: The Indispensable Retirement Guide.” This book discusses the many stages of retirement. She teases about having many tricks to use to invest and save your money correctly. The worry of running out of money and how to prepare for that is covered in detail.
Young and those not so young need to embrace the topic of preparing for retirement.